AboutRole: Quality Automation Engineer Industry: Insurance Project Overview: Our team was tasked with a critical project that aimed to revolutionize the testing process for their browser application, specifically focusing on insurance and insurance contract operations. Our main objective was to design and create a robust set of test cases that covered all the business-relevant components. These test cases would be executed daily with each new release and also when releases were sent to customers. Service: Test Automation Test Type: User Acceptance Testing, Regression Testing, Smoke Testing, End-To-End Testing |
GoalsOur main goal was to establish a high number of high-quality test cases to form a comprehensive test suite. These test cases needed to thoroughly test every function of the business operations performed on insurance contracts. It was essential to ensure that each business operation appeared at least once in the test suite, guaranteeing thorough testing of relevant insurance product contracts. The project also involved running tests through headless-browser runs, importing and exporting contracts, and manipulating synthetic contracts in the database to achieve varied testing scenarios. |
Technologies |
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Management and Integrations |
DetailsThe project presented several challenges, including the absence of any automated test cases initially. However, we addressed these challenges by extensively studying the product and tools documentation and drawing inspiration from a standard subset of test cases. By leveraging this knowledge, we successfully designed and implemented new test cases tailored to the project's requirements. |